Saturday, March 19, 2005


I'm feeling quite sappy right now, but since I don't like sounding that way, I'll do my best not to. Let's just say that he's a very cool person. Very. And I like him a lot. Very a lot. That's still being sappy, but believe me, it's toned down. It always irritates me when people go off on their significant others, saying how wonderful and perfect they are... but I guess I can see a little bit of their point now. Perfect he isn't. But perfect doesn't exist, and our flaws make us more interesting. I like his flaws. (I haven't quite figured out what they are yet, I'm still working on that.) And so far, he seems to like mine too, which is even more surprising. (I have quite a few, and some of them are quite odd.) Anyways, the point is that I'm happy. Spring break is going well, and life is just rather enjoyable right now. It makes me want to sing cheesy musicals and such. ^_^

There's no way around it, people are cute when they sleep. I'm not sure exactly what makes that the case. Something about innocence and peacefulness, and trust. Sometimes misplaced trust... (open mouth snoring + ground cloves = much fun). When people are asleep, they're nothing but themselves. I think it's a good way to get to know someone; watch them in their sleep a little bit. And then wake them up and see if they kill you for it...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Final Exams

GAAAAAHHHHHHH! *breaths* Okay, sorry about that. Now, in all honesty, my exams weren't all that bad this quarter. I had two 'quizes', two group presentations, and about three papers. They weren't even hard papers... well, two of them weren't. I dare you to write a five page paper using deconstruction theory on the play Othello. X_x Of course, next quarter that five page paper will have to be transformed into 20+ pages, but I'm doing my best to forget next quarter exists.

So, yes. The quarter is over AND I get to go visit friends during break. Could life be much better? At least, starting tomorrow. ^_^

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Public Speaking

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! Or at least, I hate being in any way responsible for making it happen. Responsibility scares me beyond the fear of death. Unless, of course, I know that I can accomplish whatever it is I'm supposed to do, but even then... if things even start to go wrong, I become completely unnerved. I work much, much better doing things for other people, where if something goes horribly wrong, it's not entirely my fault. I like to share the blame. ^_^

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

True Neutral

That's my alignment, apparently... It's shifted, I used be be Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good. I have to say, online quizes are rather entertaining. Accurate or not, they make you think a little bit about where you stand in relation to life. And then you go back and tweak your answers so you get the result you think you should have. ^_^ But I tested True Neutral twice in a row, the second time even more strongly, so I guess it must be true.

I hate living far away from people that are important to me... If only I had a car. If only cars weren't so bloody expensive to maintain. First you have to pay insurance. Now, even if you have a really good policy, that's still $60-$80 a month, which adds up fast. Then, there are the skyrocketing gas prices. I'm all for fuel economy vehicles (for several reasons), but here in America we prefer the Unnecessarily Large Suburban and the Entirely Pointless Sports Utility Vehicle. Grrr. I think somebody should donate a car to my cause. Somethink like a little Geo Metro. Those are pretty cool. (Now, you may ask what my cause is, and rightfully so! I'm collecting donations for the H.N.M. fund, targeted towards easing the financial burdens of poor college students, one student at a time.)

In other news, my roommate and several of my other friends have started taking bets on how long my current relationship will last. Their faith in me is heartwarming. Especially my roommate's. She has predicted a grand total of three weeks.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Relationship Status

It still manages to shock and amaze me when I find out that someone likes me. I always have to wonder if they have their head on straight. Especially if they think I'm attractive too. But yes, I found someone that thinks so... (just for politeness sake, the rest of this will probably be boring and sappy, I'm writing it for myself, not for any random reader). I've liked this guy for awhile, off and on for about two years, really, but he had a girlfriend. I swear, I thought they'd never break up... X_x Anyways, I found out last week that he had indeed broken up with her, and that he 'might' be interested in me. So I had a few days of crush, he and a friend came up to visit, and that was that. I really want this relationship to last... I haven't yet had one that lasted longer than two months (to the day). Admittedly, I started ending them by then on purpose. But yes, so far, I want this one to last, at least for a while. This boy has quite a few of the qualities that I've found myself looking for more and more, like confidance, intelligence, and a fairly clear plan for his life. He's also more of a gaming nerd than I am, which is fun. ^_^ In fact, probably the only adult I know who played Kingdom Hearts longer and more thoroughly than I did. He isn't religious, which has become a fairly necessary thing to me recently, and has a delightful and beautiful brand of personal evil, combined with being caring at just the right times, and with just the right amount. In other words, not excessively. All in all, I'm rather pleased, and I'm looking forward to seeing what will happen with this.