Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Why I don't like my family

My father scares me. The following is an excerpt from an email he sent me a little before this last election, one of a very long string of emails, each one more vindictive than the last. My father listens to and believes almost everything people like Rush Limbaugh say. And then, he calls me a fringe leftist and claims to represent the better part of the American people. I have not the words.

At root of every valid decision must be a regard for actual facts. For example, Kerry's ranting this week about the 380 tons of "weapons" that were "looted" and got into the insurgents' hands and are being used against our troops because Bush did not secure them.

Fact 1. There were no weapons there. What was there was (at least at some time in the past) a stock of precursor material to explosive compounds--which would have to be further processed and packaged in order to be used for explosive purposes.

Fact 2. That amount of material could not have been "looted." It would have taken dozens of trucks working long hours to cart the stuff off--impossible with the roads controlled by coalition forces.

Fact 3. Whatever was there before, was gone already before the U.S. troops arrived. That was noted already during the first days of the war by an NBC reporter embedded with the U.S. troops in the campaign. The report is a matter of public record. (Latest evidence is that Russian Army troops assisted Iraqi intelligence officers in moving the material before the war started.)

Fact 4: The alleged 380 tons would account for less than 0.1% of the stockpiles of armaments already destroyed by American troops, with about the same amount remaining to be destroyed.

Kerry knew all this. He chose to lie about it in hopes of deluding ignorant and soft-minded people into voting for him. And he continues to lie about it even after the facts are becoming widely known.

The whole anti-war movement has been propelled by such lies--from Vietnam to the present. I imagine I will find similar lies throughout the articles you cite. It is a strange thing that the Michael Moore movie is being more and more accepted as "true" by many people, even though it has been shown to be a string of falsehoods and distortions from beginning to end. One example: Moore claims that Bush allowed relatives of Bin Laden's family to escape immediately after 9/11. Truth, they were all exhaustively interviewed by the FBI before they were allowed to leave, and the person who approved their departure was Richard Clark. Bush never even heard of it until it was already done. Clark told Moore that, but Moore chose to ignore the truth and proceed with the falsehood.

This is the sort of thing which brought Germany under Nazi control. It was the stock in trade of the international Communist movement, which resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of people and enslavement of many millions more. Freedom cannot survive if people can be led to accept outright lies as if they were true. The Deaniacs have effectively captured the Democrat party. Their antics get more and more strange as time goes by. The wackiest conspiracy theories wax and thrive. Tonight Alan Colmes had on his radio show a guy who with a straight face claimed that Vice-President Cheney had a leading role in the 9/11 attacks--and Colmes was taking the guy seriously. As has been said: Liberalism is a mental disease.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


I fail to see why the coming out of Halo II is such a good thing. First of all, it means that my tv is going to be occupied by three guys and my roommate for, oh lets say..., 20 million hours. (That was exaggeration, could you tell?) And what do people see in FPS anyways? 'Let's go around and shoot each other!' Fun. I guess this is the female in me talking. Then again... I'd probably be playing with them if I didn't suck so bad. There are only so many kills my fragile ego can take.

Animal protective services called. They're going to hold a protest outside my apartment. It offends them that I beat black kittens. After all, that's both animal abuse and racism. I have not the words. Or I wouldn't if I hadn't staged the call to weird out the people hanging out at my house. ^_^

Friday, November 12, 2004

There is thick fog today. The kind of fog so thick that your line of sight ends at that house down the road. Now all the fall colors are softened: the red is now soft crimson, and the bright yellow turned to gold. It's beautiful. On the other hand, most of the green is gone now... all that's left to be seen is the fading grass and the evergreen trees.

Sometimes it's good to be alive. I'm indoors, I'm warm, the coffeemaker is starting to bubble, and I've no homework this weekend. So as I sit and sip at my coffee, and think warm fuzzy thoughts, it occurs to me that this is what winter is all about. A good book or movie, a warm blanket, and the most wonderful feeling of contentedness. At this moment, all is right with the world.

Is it better to be happy and stupid, or miserable and intelligent?

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Tea for All

Except for me. I am a bad person. You know how sometimes you just know, know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you have been wrong? It's not pleasant. In fact, it's downright depressing. So you'll have to forgive me for unloading here. Then again, there isn't any reason for you to read this if not inclined, so why should I apologize?

I did something very bad. But I did it almost a year ago. Why is it bothering me today? Because I confessed my wrong-doing to the person I wronged, and it brought back all the feelings of guilt. So what do I do now? Nothing, really. Wait and see if the said person forgives me, and in various ways go on with my life. Chances are, tomorrow it won't even bother me at all. I just hope that I've learned my lesson, and that it's one more mistake I will never make again.

On a much more cheerful note, my roommate is letting me share her cable internet!!! This is very happy. In fact, this is so happy that I will ignore the previous two paragraphs, and continue on in blissful high-speed-internetness.

Oh to be young and free.

Oh yes... I am. Almost forgot. You know, you'd think that with all the things I could be doing with my time, I would find something a little more, well... productive? Eh, who am I kidding. I hereby dub this place for me to rant as "This Place for Me to Rant." Impressive, yes? I thought so.

So here's a thought. Is it worse to believe in something that might not be real, or to not believe in something that might be real?