Friday, November 12, 2004

There is thick fog today. The kind of fog so thick that your line of sight ends at that house down the road. Now all the fall colors are softened: the red is now soft crimson, and the bright yellow turned to gold. It's beautiful. On the other hand, most of the green is gone now... all that's left to be seen is the fading grass and the evergreen trees.

Sometimes it's good to be alive. I'm indoors, I'm warm, the coffeemaker is starting to bubble, and I've no homework this weekend. So as I sit and sip at my coffee, and think warm fuzzy thoughts, it occurs to me that this is what winter is all about. A good book or movie, a warm blanket, and the most wonderful feeling of contentedness. At this moment, all is right with the world.

Is it better to be happy and stupid, or miserable and intelligent?


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