*stab self*
So apparently I just can't handle a relationship under any venue. For the first time since highschool I'm with someone who I'm not trying to get rid of after a couple months, but instead of being pleased I'm constantly nitpicking. Go me. -_-
In other news, Grad school is going according to schedule. I procrastinated on my end-of-term papers until about the last 3-4 days, and still managed to slough through them somehow. My powers of bullshitting are begining to impress even me. Next thing I know it'll be time for my thesis paper, and I'll have two weeks to get it done. >_>
I really hate California, though. With the very core of my being. I hate the blonds, and I hate the middle-aged affluent people, and I hate the mexicans (especially the kids that scream all day long at the apartment complex where I live), and I hate the black guys that hit on me at the bus station just because I have light skin and hair. I actually dyed my hair black recently just to alleviate the problem. So far it's been working.
I feel kinda bad to pick on people based on their race... but stereotypes are there for a reason. And it's not like I'm saying that one race is better than another. Really, they all suck donkey nuts, just for different reasons. White people suck because they're so anal when it comes to money, and they think that the world in general (and retail workers in specific) owes them something. "Are you SURE this book costs $15? Are you sure it's not really free?" I hate Mexicans because they're noisy and poor (like me). Every morning I wake up to the sound of "Buy? Tamales?" shouted at the top of some guy's lungs in a sing-song tone. If there was really a sound to the idea of chewing gravel, that would be it. And then there's the couple upstairs that's younger than me, but have two young kids that like to, apparently, play the game called 'elephants and other noisy animals' at any hour between 6am and 9pm. And then there's black people. I don't have a whole lot to complain about there, except for the guys that hit on me. Yes, my skin is white. Yes, my hair (in its natural color) is blondish. That doesn't make me attractive, and that CERTAINLY doesn't make me worthy of such compliments as "Your skin is so exotic!" and, "You're so pretty, you should be riding in a limo instead of walking.". -_-
And then there's the fact that I hate the whole culture of stardom and Hollywood, and that the weather makes me want to crawl into a hole and never, ever poke my head above the surface again. Admittedly, it rains here in LA more than it did in San Diego... But that's like saying that it's more sunny in Portland than it is in Seattle. I'm still not sure if I'm getting sweaty because it's too fucking hot outside, or because I'm out of shape. Either way, I don't like it down here.
And yet here I am. For grad school, and for a boy that I don't even see more than once a week or so. Life is grand.
In other news, Grad school is going according to schedule. I procrastinated on my end-of-term papers until about the last 3-4 days, and still managed to slough through them somehow. My powers of bullshitting are begining to impress even me. Next thing I know it'll be time for my thesis paper, and I'll have two weeks to get it done. >_>
I really hate California, though. With the very core of my being. I hate the blonds, and I hate the middle-aged affluent people, and I hate the mexicans (especially the kids that scream all day long at the apartment complex where I live), and I hate the black guys that hit on me at the bus station just because I have light skin and hair. I actually dyed my hair black recently just to alleviate the problem. So far it's been working.
I feel kinda bad to pick on people based on their race... but stereotypes are there for a reason. And it's not like I'm saying that one race is better than another. Really, they all suck donkey nuts, just for different reasons. White people suck because they're so anal when it comes to money, and they think that the world in general (and retail workers in specific) owes them something. "Are you SURE this book costs $15? Are you sure it's not really free?" I hate Mexicans because they're noisy and poor (like me). Every morning I wake up to the sound of "Buy? Tamales?" shouted at the top of some guy's lungs in a sing-song tone. If there was really a sound to the idea of chewing gravel, that would be it. And then there's the couple upstairs that's younger than me, but have two young kids that like to, apparently, play the game called 'elephants and other noisy animals' at any hour between 6am and 9pm. And then there's black people. I don't have a whole lot to complain about there, except for the guys that hit on me. Yes, my skin is white. Yes, my hair (in its natural color) is blondish. That doesn't make me attractive, and that CERTAINLY doesn't make me worthy of such compliments as "Your skin is so exotic!" and, "You're so pretty, you should be riding in a limo instead of walking.". -_-
And then there's the fact that I hate the whole culture of stardom and Hollywood, and that the weather makes me want to crawl into a hole and never, ever poke my head above the surface again. Admittedly, it rains here in LA more than it did in San Diego... But that's like saying that it's more sunny in Portland than it is in Seattle. I'm still not sure if I'm getting sweaty because it's too fucking hot outside, or because I'm out of shape. Either way, I don't like it down here.
And yet here I am. For grad school, and for a boy that I don't even see more than once a week or so. Life is grand.