Saturday, February 26, 2005

So... bloody... confused...

Well, I am. I don't understand people. To be more specific, it's been strongly hinted to me that a certain male of my acquaintance might have an interest in me. At least... I think it has been hinted. I can't tell. I'm so completely clueless. And, if this person is interested in me, what kind of an interest is it? Interest in a fling, interest in a relationship, I don't know how to tell. I am also interested in this person, but I don't know whether or not to make that known. If I do, will I be seen as desperate and undesireable? And there's always that fear of rejection, if I over-extend myself. Bloody hell, I which I knew what to do. Well, actually, I'm glad I don't, it's kinda nice to have this insecurity and stuff. ^_^ So I guess we'll see.


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